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Enrichment Participation

Please read the following before you sign up to participate in Green Valley's Enrichment Program.


Fee vs. Suggested Donation

In order to bring you lower cost Enrichment classes, we are now required to label Enrichment fees as "suggested donation". Please note that Enrichment classes are not free. The instructors we have invited to come to our campus to enrich GV students earn their living from instructing your student and therefore require fees for their services. If the proper fees are not collected, the instructor will have to cancel the class. The "Suggested Donation" includes a 5% processing fee beyond the instructor's cost that goes towards the maintenace of this website, cost of flyers and banners for Enrichment promotion and room clean-up. Leftover funds from this fee will go towards the Enrichment Scholorship program and school-wide Enrichment activities including assemblies, supplies, etc. 


Who do I contact if I have questions about a class or want a schedule update?

All communication regarding a specific class should be made with the instructor of the class. The GV Enrichment team and the GV front office help coordinte the Enrichment program but they do not have specific informaiton about classes and class schedules. If you have quesitons you should contact the instructor of the class. 


Enrichment Scholarship

It is the Enrichment team's goal to provide Enrichment classes to any student at Green Valley that would like to participate. If your student requires a scholarship in order to participate in an Enrichment class, please email the enrichment team your request and we will work with the Green Valley PTA to try and provide scholarship funding.


Parent & Student Behavior

Green Valley's Enrichment program is brought to you by hard working volunteer parents who invite qualified Bay Area instructors to our campus. Parents and students are expected to treat our invited guest-teachers with the same respect and courtesy given our Green Valley teachers. If you or your student are reported as being disrespectful, disruptive or misbahaved, you may be asked to leave the Enrichment program. Please remind your student that they are expected to behave in Enrichment classes as they would in their regular classroom. 

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